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Dare to be spontaneous

Armor or Argoat? Coast or inland forests?
The answer is both of them!

We asked a friend from Brittany to recommend us some nice locations for a weekend trip. Naturally she listed a bunch of sites. Finally we decided to visit the inland forests – Argoat.

Huelgoat forest
How was that famous proverb? Man plans…and God laughs.

The day started brilliantly: sunshine, shorts, sandals, happy picnic. A few hours later dark clouds appeared seemingly from nowhere. The temperature dropped and so our mood, since the original plan was to camp overnight... In this case either you strictly stick to your plan, or as we did, look up the weather forecast in the nearby area in the hope of finding some sunshine not too far. Luckily the coast seemed clear!

That’s how we ended up visiting both Argoat, the foresty inland of the Brittany Peninsula and Armor (Armorique, Armorica), the cliffed coast.

What did we see in 2 days?

1. The hidden treasure of Le Faouët

The Chapel Sainte-Barbe du Faouët was a real surprise. First you drive through a forest up to a hill and arrive to a field with a car parking… Where is then the chapel?
It’s behind the hill, absolutely hidden for the first look. Its access is via an ancient looking renaissance staircase. The chapel was built between the 16C and 18C.
Take your time to walk around in the lush forest as well. You will find a fresh river not far from the Chapel St Barbe.

2. The forest of Huelgoat

Here the visitors wonder about the interestingly placed rocks. How did it happen? The forest is full of legends and fairy tales! (Unfortunately it’s too full of tourists for our taste…obviously with a good reason.)

The moss-covered, enormous rocks were shaped and arranged randomly by natural forces. Finally brought up to light by erosion. more infos here
  • First of all there is the geological curiosity to enjoy. 
  • Great advantage of the place is the easy access even by buggy 
  • so the forest walk is enjoyable for all the generations.

3. How to take a perfect sunset photo?
Go there, where's sunshine 🌞

As a sudden storm arrived and cooled down the air we changed our outfit from shorts-sandals to jeans-pullover-coat-and boots. Too bad we couldn’t enjoy Argoat anymore. 

As we introduced it, we didn’t hesitate much to completely change the plan and so discover the sunny coast too.

After a bit more than an hour drive we were in Clohars-Carnoët. Found a lovely ***camping, which is usually out of our budget but we payed half price since it was still the low season. After setting our tent we had enough time for a picnic on some cliffs while watching the sun saying goodbye to a marvelous day.

Traveling with dog 🐕

Around the chapel and in the Huelgoat forest dogs are allowed. Since these places are rather touristy it’s better to keep your dog on leash. Big + We were proposed to take our dog in the chapel! Normally it’s forbidden.

For our biggest surprise dogs are completely forbidden on all of the beaches of the region. This regulation seems a little bit strict to us.

Finally campings are usually dog-friendly and not expensive.

We continued our discoveries the day after. Find the program about our 2nd day in the next post 😉👆


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