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#Trabant2Paris - Third country - Germany

We spent 5 days in Germany during our Trabant road trip . Before the trip we were hesitating to go until Berlin, but we have friends in Bayern and Baden-Württemberg, who we really wanted to visit. That's why we decided to keep following the Danube, instead of organizing a Trabant meets Berlin classy trip. On the road We drove across the city centre of Passau , which was a fun experience. We could hardy believe, that we made it until there!  By lunch time we arrived to a cute historical city: Wörth an der Donau .  Wörth an der Donau, view from the chapel The castle and the town centre Snacking some berries on the way Our typical low budget menu on the road Both of us have already been to Regensburg , but the city is always worth a visit. In our opinion it's one of the most artistic towns in Bavaria. We can only recommend a visit to Regensburg. It was rainy, so unfortunately we cannot present great photos here.  From here on we didn't

#Trabant2Paris - Second country - Austria

O n our second day we crossed the border between Hungary and Austria. During our trip each border crossings happened on small roads, almost without the realisation that we changed country. Especially that each of these border regions, that we visited were territories, that the countries (Hungary, Austria, Germany and France) lost or won back during the I and II World War. Nowadays these regions seem to own a rich culture, that they inherited from the different countries.  The above mentioned multinational identity is well illustrated just by studying the name of Rust , a town next to the Neusiedlersee .  The settlement was first mentioned as Ceel in 1317. This name was derived from the Hungarian word 'szil' (elm tree) . Later it was translated into German 'Rüster' or 'Rusten' . Presently, in Hungarian we say Ruszt , that obviously originates from the German word.  The town was endowed with the rights of a royal free city by the Hungarian crown

#Trabant2Paris - First country - Hungary

Our Trabi quickly became popular; first among family members, then friends and even the guys from the service.  Youngest generation of our Trabi fan club During the first week we already drove 300 km in Hungary. Rémi was rather good at driving the 2 stroke engine car from the very beginning. Although he was focusing so much on the first 1 hour long test drive with a friend that he wasn't able to take part in the conversation. Theory vs practical knowledge The car's tank is only 26 L. 20 L of fuel is enough for about 350 km. There's only one problem here: it doesn't have any fuel gauge! You are only given a plastic scale that you deep into the tank to know how much fuel is left... This would be actually still fine, but since we use petrol and oil manually mixed on the spot the whole refilling process starts to be a mathematical problem. 1 . You keep in mind how many km you have driven 2 . You are close to your limit, but since the petrol- oil rati